The Importance of Personal Development

David Hennessey

I met a beautiful French lady when I lived in Canada.

We went hiking. Our relationship grew.

This relationship lasted almost 20 years, we raised wonderful children together.

I once asked her “I wonder what it would have been like if we had met when I was younger”. She responded “David, I would not have dated you when you were younger, now you are not the same person as you were when you were younger.”

She brought to my attention that I had changed over the years, grown into a different person than when I was as a shy, fearful young man.

This changes I knew had not came by chance but by small actions steps I took each day that compounded into who I am now and I share as part of The WONDER Technique personal development program.

Remember who you are tomorrow depends on what you do today.

Have a wonderful day,


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10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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