Loryn Maul Interviews David Hennessey about Climbing Through Life

I am grateful for a recent interview by Loryn Maul where she interviewed me about about five random facts about my life, what this year taught me plus what goal I hope to achieve before the end of the year. Check out my interview with Loryn here

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Courage Collective Podcast with Nikki Speer and David Hennessey

Nikki Speer gave me a delightful opportunity to share and discuss how we can create a life of inspiration, encouragement and giving as a guest on her show the Courage Collective click here to hear the podcast

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10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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Living in Hope By Keeping My Mind on What Mattered by David Hennessey

Jana Short invited me to write an article for her Manifestation issue of Best Holistic Life Magazine

Here is the link to my article online you will be asked to subscribe to Jana’s ezine to read it, this helps support her work.

Or you can read the article I submitted below

Living in Hope By Keeping My Mind on What Mattered by David Hennessey

My Dad died when I was on a plane to see him, then I experienced two car accidents that injured my back and then just after recovering I had a rock climbing accident that made me have to stop walking.

One evening I was lying on the couch nursing the pain in my back on the edge of giving up hope.

I thought of my family, my friends, my love for time in nature and there I was stuck to the couch wondering if I could walk again without excruciating pain.

I decided to use my imagination. I looked at the future at what it would be like if I did not recover from the back injury. I did not like what I saw.

I made a decision.

I was going to do what I could to keep my mind positive while I worked on the physical recovery.

I read my favorite humor to keep my mind positive and I watched videos of rock climbing since I really wanted to do more.

This focus on what I wanted to see and not what I was experiencing helped me on the path. I also went to a health practitioner who weekly stretched my spine to help reduce the pain. I believed over time the pain would go as the hernias decrease.

A key additional step is that each morning and each night I went through a process I now call ‘Framing the Day’.

I thought about what I am grateful for in my life: my children, the food I had to eat, the couch I lay on.

I did that first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

I also took the time in the morning and at night to visualize myself recovered. I focused on seeing myself able to move without pain.

I avoided foods that cause inflammation in the body and I make sure that when I moved I did not push through pain but carefully looked for the right movement of my body.

Over the weeks I started moving around the house and I started to become inspired that life was going to get better. I dreamt of being able to walk around the block in my neighborhood.

I started a job working from home standing up all day, it was all I could do, I could not sit without pain. I felt more positive and each night I sleep alone on the couch calming my mind with humor and visualizing my body rebuilding itself.

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10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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Six months later I walked around the block successfully for the first time, very slowly but with very little pain.

Four years later, I ran and finished my first marathon in Greece, on the original route from Marathon to Athens. I finished pain free.

Six years later I won a rock climbing competition.

I never gave up hope.

Believe you can and you can.

Enjoy a wonderful day, David


Marci Brockmann Host of Permission to Heal Interviews David Hennessey

Marci Brockman, host of Permission to Heal is a really fun podcast host. I really enjoy our discussion on personal development and how we can really take care of ourselves when we give ourselves permission to heal. Here is the link to the recording of the show

Enjoy a wonderful day, David


Here is your opportunity to get a taste of the W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique 

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10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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Darian Parker and David Hennessey on The WONDER Technique

Darian Parker invited me on his show to do a deep dive on the core of the W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique and I shared online some ideas I had never shared before.

Here is the link to the recording of the show

Enjoy a wonderful day, David

Here is your opportunity to get a taste of the W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique 

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10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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