Meet David

Hi, I’m David Hennessey, that is me high on a mountain and I thank you for stopping by.

A little bit about me to put things in perspective.

At work I thought I loved, I burned out. I was becoming overwhelmed with many parts of my life and I had no stress management skills to deal with what was going on. Yes, I had a degree in Psychology but I had no awareness on how to help myself. 

I pulled back from all that I was doing, ended my career in sales, took to working in manual labor and went deep into developing myself.  I studied nutrition, reflexology and continued to train in martial arts. I was learning a little bit but then things got worse.

My mum was diagnosed with a brain tumor and then colon cancer.  I spent as much time as I could with her to help her deal with the intensity of dealing with a very stressful experience. My best help was to give her simpler ways to manage things in her life. 

After my mum recovered from cancer I decided to take the time to fulfill a dream and travel to many places including the Himalayas, Petra, Mount Sinai,  the Red Sea and more. After my epic voyage I found myself back in Canada reflecting on how I could get control of my life by taking control of my habits so I searched for the core principles of personal development.  

I took what I had learned from Psychology, nutrition, martial arts and more and took a deep dive into scientific journals to see what was being said about the area of personal development I adored called wellness. 

I discovered for the first time in my life that the core principles of wellness are really straight forward, I had just not been paying attention to them. I created images and acronyms to remember and share principles and all together I created a simple holistic approach to personal development I called The W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique.

Friends and family were curious about what I had learned. I started to share. I did a presentation in a local hotel and interest grew from there.  I have presented in person to thousands of people since then.  You can read testimonials from people here

I would really love to share what I discovered with you if you are interested.

The W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique helped me overcome challenges in my life including dealing with the experiences of having two close family members die, being hit in two separate car accidents, being in a rock-climbing accident that left me unable to walk without intense pain for six months, all happening in a new country with my children where I could not find work because I did not speak the local language. 

Now I would be honored to share with you the holistic approach to personal development the W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique.


David Hennessey
Logo is based on a photo I took on the summit of Mont Thabor in the French Alps

Please note my formal training in personal development includes a degree in Psychology, certificates in nutrition and wellness. I am not a doctor or a psychologist nor do I pretend to be one online or offline, I am simply someone who has been through a lot in his life and created tools and techniques that have helped over 7,000 people in person learn a simplified approach to personal development.  

Expect the unexpected
I climbed this Free Solo after recovering from my rock climbing accident, no regrets

On my path to recover from the rock climbing accident. I gave myself a mental and physical challenge to test my recovery. I started training for the famous marathon in Greece from Marathon to Athens in March 7th  2018 and I completed the marathon on November 11th 2018. 

the wonder technqiue

To learn more about what I offer you  visit here  

David Hennessey

One of the most amazing valley’s I have ever descended in Italy

As a closing note to you, I write:

I believe

I believe that simple is powerful.

I believe that our habits and actions can change everything.

I believe there is a solution to every challenge and that challenges make us stronger.

I believe that with the right tools you can live the life of your dreams.

I believe in you!

This is my home online.

Thank you for stopping by,

Your friend on the journey,


Read what hundreds of people have said about my work here.

On occasion I volunteer my time: some example include volunteering for l’AFM-Téléthon  , Restos du Coeur  , La Nocturne de Nimes Les Aimargazelles  , Meals on Wheels. I am the former Marketing Adviser for Yogathon Azur Forum Presenter at CIV International. Creator of the Coolathon to raise money for humanitarian causes etc.

Here is your opportunity to get a taste of the W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique 

Subscribe to my eZine and get your free gifts 

10 Keys to Health + Happiness – This e-book in PDF format comes with action steps that help you form positive habits using ten keys to nourishing your health and happiness.

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6 Wonderful Quotes 6 Wonderful Images eBook PDF format in memory of my Dad

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Kind wishes,


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